All reviews and site design © by Thomas M. Wagner. SF Reviews.net logo by Charles Hurst. Roger the Dragon drawn by Matt Olson. All rights reserved. Book cover artwork is copyrighted by its respective artist and/or publisher.
Title listings: M 44 titles
Reviews featuring this icon also have video reviews on SFF180.
- Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
- Magic Casement by Dave Duncan
- Magician's Nephew, The by C. S. Lewis
- Magic of Recluce, The by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
- Magic Street by Orson Scott Card
- Mainspring by Jay Lake
- Maker of Universes, The by Philip José Farmer
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett
- Manhattan Transfer by John E. Stith
- Manshape by John Brunner
- Man Who Melted, The by Jack Dann
- Man Who Never Missed, The by Steve Perry

- Many-Colored Land, The by Julian May
- Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon
- Marsbound by Joe Haldeman
- Mars Crossing by Geoffrey A. Landis
- Mars Underground by William K. Hartmann
- Martian, The by Andy Weir

- Martian Chronicles, The by Ray Bradbury

- Martian Race, The by Gregory Benford

- Medalon by Jennifer Fallon
- Meeting at Corvallis, A by S. M. Stirling
- Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson
- Memory of Whiteness, The by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Meq, The by Steve Cash
- Metal Sky by Jay Caselberg
- Midwich Cuckoos, The by John Wyndham
- Mind of My Mind by Octavia E. Butler
- Minikins of Yam, The by Thomas Burnett Swann
- Mirror Empire, The by Kameron Hurley
- Misspent Youth by Peter F. Hamilton
- Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
- Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson
- Monitor, the Miners and the Shree, The by Lee Killough
- Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
- Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
- Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch
- More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon
- Morningstar by David Gemmell
- Mort by Terry Pratchett
- Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
- Mount, The by Carol Emshwiller
- Mysterium by Robert Charles Wilson
- Mystery of Grace, The by Charles de Lint
