All reviews and site design © by Thomas M. Wagner. SF Reviews.net logo by Charles Hurst. Roger the Dragon drawn by Matt Olson. All rights reserved. Book cover artwork is copyrighted by its respective artist and/or publisher.
Title listings: T 46 titles
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- Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams
- Taltos by Steven Brust
- Tamsin by Peter S. Beagle
- Tau Zero by Poul Anderson
- Teckla by Steven Brust
- Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind

- Temporal Void, The by Peter F. Hamilton

- Teranesia by Greg Egan
- Terminal Experiment, The by Robert J. Sawyer
- Testament of Jessie Lamb, The by Jane Rogers

- Testament XXI by Gene Snyder
- Thing Itself, The by Adam Roberts

- Thirteen (a.k.a. Black Man) by Richard K. Morgan

- This Fair Land by K. D. Wentworth
- Thorns by Robert Silverberg
- Thousandfold Thought, The by R. Scott Bakker
- Thousand Words for Stranger, A by Julie E. Czerneda
- Three-Body Problem, The by Liu Cixin

- Three Days to Never by Tim Powers
- Three Hands for Scorpio by Andre Norton
- Three Sisters, The by Rebecca Locksley

- Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The by Philip K. Dick
- Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik
- Thud! by Terry Pratchett

- Tim, Defender of the Earth by Sam Enthoven
- Time and Stars by Poul Anderson (story collection)
- Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut
- Time's Eye by Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter
- Titus Alone by Mervyn Peake
- Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake
- To Open the Sky by Robert Silverberg
- Total Eclipse by John Brunner
- Tough Guide to Fantasyland, The by Diana Wynne Jones
- Towers of the Sunset, The by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
- Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon
- Traitor Baru Cormorant, The by Seth Dickinson

- Transcendent by Stephen Baxter
- Transit to Scorpio by Alan Burt Akers
- Troubled Waters by Sharon Shinn
- Troubling Along the Border, A by Donald Aamodt
- Troy: Fall of Kings by David Gemmell and Stella Gemmell

- Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow by David Gemmell

- Troy: Shield of Thunder by David Gemmell
- Trullion: Alastor 2262 by Jack Vance
- Tunnel in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein
- Two Faces of Tomorrow, The by James P. Hogan