All reviews and site design © by Thomas M. Wagner. SF Reviews.net logo by Charles Hurst. Roger the Dragon drawn by Matt Olson. All rights reserved. Book cover artwork is copyrighted by its respective artist and/or publisher.
Title listings: R 35 titles
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- Radiance by Catherynne M. Valente

- Ragamuffin by Tobias S. Buckell

- Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge
- Rama II by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
- Ramal Extraction, The by Steve Perry

- Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
- Reality Dysfunction, The by Peter F. Hamilton
- Recollection, The by Gareth L. Powell
- Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

- Red Planet Run by Dana Stabenow
- Red Prophet by Orson Scott Card
- Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

- Red Shift by Alan Garner
- Redshirts by John Scalzi

- Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
- Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore
- Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The by Douglas Adams
- Revealing Eden by Victoria Foyt

- Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds
- Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon
- Rift by Kay Kenyon
- Ringworld by Larry Niven
- Ringworld Engineers, The by Larry Niven
- Ringworld's Children by Larry Niven
- Ringworld Throne, The by Larry Niven
- Rise of Ransom City, The by Felix Gilman

- River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay

- Rivers of London (aka Midnight Riot) by Ben Aaronovitch
- R-Master, The by Gordon R. Dickson
- Road, The by Cormac McCarthy
- Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny
- Rogue Clone by Steven L. Kent
- Rule of Evidence by John G. Hemry
- Rumor of Gems, A by Ellen Steiber
- Runelords, The by David Farland